How to set up your Nuubiz product?

1. Upon receiving your Nuubiz product, begin by scanning the QR code provided.

2. The first scan will automatically redirect you to the registration page.
(This is normal as the device is not yet configured).

3. Create your account by providing the necessary details.

4. Set up your Nuubiz product by entering the activation code.

5. For Google reviews, search for the name of the place and its associated address. However, for other NFC products, enter the website URL instead.

6. Confirm the details, and your product will be configured and ready for use!instead.

7. If you have multiple products, you can configure them by adding their codes to the same account.

8. You can redirect your nuubiz product to a another website or delete it from your account.

9. Nuubiz offers advanced data analytics capabilities, enabling you to delve into detailed visitor access insights.